Sunday, November 8, 2009

Opportunities are like sunrises...

If you wait to long you will miss them!
Obviously this can be applied to many things in life. I'm taking the literal connotation this morning. My fitness routine has been lagging, to say the least. Aside from the classes I teach, I haven't been doing much for myself. I did just sign up for a half marathon in March, so I know I had to change my ways. This morning I woke up around 5:15- as I have been since the time change. I tossed and turned a bit and then, for the sake of my husband, gave in and got out of bed. I threw on my running shoes and grabbed my favorite running companion-Dave Matthews on my iPod and hit the pavement I forgot how much I enjoy running at this time- when everyone else is still sleeping or just starting to rise. I saw the sun rise over the Eastern hills. I took in the vibrant reds and oranges on the trees around me. I enjoyed the stillness that you only get at dawn. I was thankful that I took advantage of the opportunity to take advantage of my extra hour this morning.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Network Marketing for Dummies

Rodan+Fields just launched a new CRM tool for consultants that is so amazing! It basically takes all the guesswork out of how to organize and lets us focus our time on important things like talking to potential clients and consultants! I am so excited about this new tool. One of the scary things about leaving the corporate world and starting your own business is losing those resources you came to depend on- like the functions of outlook and your calendar or your database of all your clients, neatly organized in one space. In addition, I'll now have a new email with the corporate domain! I love the ease of gmail- but it is not a corporate grade email system. This new tool was custom made for my business and its like having a personal assistant! As my business grows, I'll have the ability to run marketing campaigns as well as keep tabs on my entire team and get a snapshot of who needs support right away! I'm so excited to start taking advantage of all the fabulous features!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Follow through

Last night Brian and I had the best time with our neighbors. A few of us put together a Caribbean Themed Potluck at one of the neighbor's house. It turned out to be a fabulous time and gave me the chance to get to know my neighbors a little better. Rum punch tends to do that! It started from a few of us talking about the need to get together. All it took to make that idea a reality was a little follow through. Someone firmed up a date, another person sent out an email and we made it happen. It got me thinking about how often we sit around talking about what "could" be or how things "should" be. It only takes a small change in behavior to turn things in a whole different direction. Talk is cheap! What can you actually do to make a difference?

Friday, June 12, 2009

1st Blog! New Business Dilemma...

Well- here I go...Historic moment- I'm starting my first blog. I actually attempted to start one when my son was first born, but it never took off. This time I'm committed and excited to share all the different things going on around me and with me right now.

I'm sitting in my home office thinking about ways that I can get my new business to take off. I fell in love with the product and I saw the business opportunity. What can I do differently to share that vision and attract individuals that will see what I saw? What I saw was a company that is nationally branded with dermatologists that are considered experts in the field of skincare. The products are clinically proven to work. The need for the products is there- millions of people suffer from sun damage and wrinkles! The compensation plan is incredible. This is a ground floor opportunity to get on board with a product that is bound to be a household name in just a few years.
My first two recruits just cancelled and I can't help but feel a little bummed. Realistically though, I knew this was coming. Its important when recruiting that you find someone who is looking for your product OR looking for a new business opportunity rather than trying to "convince" someone that this is the right thing for them. Now, I've just got to learn how to find those people!
I've gotten some great tips though and there are tons of resources online for network marketers. I've watched a few free training videos from Mike Dillard Melanie Milletics is another great resource. Her website is I'm not giving up yet- I've read tons of testimonials from people no different then me that have found a way to be successful at this and I'm ready to give it a try.